Monday 8 July 2013

What I've Gathered About the Zone System and How I Might Implement It for the Second Assignment

My initial impressions when I came across the Zone System was that it was a considered approach to predominantly landscape photography. I discovered the Zone System (invented by Ansel Adams) was of course initially designed for use with black and white film but 'lost most of its purpose when color took over from black and white' - M. Freeman (2011). With the advent of digital photography however, the Zone System made a resurgence as it 'has some valuable lessons to teach in the new context [digital photography]' - M. Freeman (2011).

   Although I realised the Zone System was most effective for landscape, digital photographers, when shooting in the RAW format I was confident it would come in useful for a couple of the types of sets of high contrast scenes I had planned to photograph. Shooting in the RAW format - something I wasn't allowed to utilise for the second assignment - worked better than jpeg because 'you have the time to reconsider the image later and alter the tonal relationships' - M. Freeman (2011).

   However, I was confident because, with these particular scenes I would have time to consider which elements of the scene fell into which zone and how important each defined zone of the scene was to me. This time to consider came from the lighting remaining consistent for a good period of time. Also, to a certain extent, I would be able to 'reconsider the image later' - M.Freeman (2011) because I planned to bracket the exposures of the jpegs for these scenes.

   The consistently lighted scene I planned to capture while employing the Zone System and bracketing exposures was: 'Scenes which include objects of very different reflectivity'. Regarding the Zone System I planned to draw a sketch of the scenes then and there and set the exposure accordingly or at least make a sketch afterwards and decide which bracketed exposure taken before at the scene best met my preference after I had reconsidered the versions of the scene on the computer.

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